2:36 AM

2 am is for the poets who 
can't sleep because their
minds are alive with words 
for someone who's not there.

For the alcoholics drinking
themselves into euphoria to 
forget someone who left.

2 am is not for the lovers
asleep in each other's arms.

It is for the lonely, the ones
who are in love with the 
loved but are not loved in

2 am sitting alone
at the coffee table,
in the dark,
writing, and
for you,
while you are 
in your own bed,
far from here,
dreaming of something else.

We often say stupid things that we regret. Nothing good ever happens at 2am. Sometimes you just have to give up on people. Chasing after them is a heartbreak, especially when they don't try meet you half way.

you do not like some things about yourself
how when you're nervous 
you talk quickly and sometimes
the things you say don't make sense
but your 2 am ramblings are 
my lullaby.

i have fallen in love with 
the way your voice sounds in the morning
i have taken delight in your messy hair
and the way you sometimes use big words
that you don't remember learning 
your imperfections
are so beautiful
because each one has a story
and being inside your cluttered
colourful mind
will always be my favourite place
to be close with your doubts
and fearful past
and whisper lovely things to them.


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