waddup okay so on twitter i showed my edited pictures and 4 or 5 people asked me how i made it look the way it did and wanted me to make a tutorial, Charlotte thought it would be useful too as there are only like 3 proper tutorials in the whole 'internet world', here you go !
this is one of those effects where it looks like it was taken from the 80’s/90’s, not one of those shitty vintage filters you find on instagram are you picking up what im laying down
you will need:
pictures to edit
a brain
here are some cool examples:
! you don’t have to follow these exact steps, play around with them !
this is what i made pre-hand, your edit should look similar to mine:
credit to the owner of this beautiful photography
ignore the pictures i'm using for this tutorial it doesn't really matter
1. Duplicate your picture ( Ctrl + J ) > Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur:
you can put anything between 1.0 to 1.9, it’s up to you.
I set it to screen and fill is 50%
2. Duplicate your original image again > Filter > Blur > Motion Blur
I set the fill to 30% and kept it Normal, this determines how blurry your photo will be, so the higher the percentage, the ”blurryer” your photo will be.
4. Duplicate your original image once more > Filter > Render > Lighting Effects:
you can make the circle as big as you want, i set this to fill 26% keeping it Normal.
5. Flatten all of your images > window > adjustments (if the tab isn’t up yet) > brightness/contrast
*make sure you’re always moving the arrows to the left
6. Adjustments > Levels
*always move the middle arrow to the left and the black output levels arrow to the right
7. Adjustments > Exposure
*don’t move the top arrow but move the bottom two to your right until you find your desired effect ( don’t move the middle arrow that far because it gets too bright )
8. Adjustments > Curves > Cross Process
these are my settings for the cross process:
flatten your images!
9. Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Colour
10. The colour code is #a3a3a3
10. Filter > Lens Blur
11. Here are my settings, there’s no point changing these around as it won’t make much of a difference.
Press OK
12. Duplicate that layer > select the one you just duplicated > filter > blur > gaussian blur:
* put anything between 0.5 and 1.0
Here are my settings:
AND VOILA! you’re done!
you can add a leak to your picture if you want to, just search for ‘light leaks’ on google or tumblr.
if you don't know how to use leaks, it's basically:
drag your leak to over your photo > screen > change the opacity and shit
to make it look darker flatten all of your images then change the BRIGHTNESS AND CONTRAST.
without leak
with leak
instagram filters xx luv u xx